My greatest aim is to support you to be comfortable in your choice with anything and everything you do. I am supporting you to be liberated from other people's expectations, as well as your own, into an acceptance of what is natural and comfortable for you. It's possible to have full embodied transformational experiences fully clothed.
Taking some or all of your clothes off is optional when we are doing bodywork such as: healing body image, intimacy trainning involving the genitals, trauma release bodywork, scar tissue remediation, learning ejaculatory choice, enhancing sensuality, pleasure or genital mapping. The route into nakedness is a step by step process and you will never have to do anything that feels overwhelming and you can change your mind anytime.
Yes! I would be happy to support you via video conference. I have found distance work to be highly effective for most people. There are some differences when working remotely, most notably that I cannot provide physical contact, but I can always direct you to connect with yourself in a way that produces many of the same effects.
I realize it can take a bit of a mind-shift to imagine doing this kind of work remotely. That said, it can be quite powerful. I have interviewed clients who work with me remotely. They consistently tell me it feels like I am there in the room with them, that they feel safe, and that the work has produced the results they were wanting.
Even without physical proximity, I will help you feel deeply protected, warmly connected, safe and strongly supported. I will be right there with you.
If you are unsure whether remote work is right for you, I invite you for a video conference exploration call.
The modalities offered in the sessions may include some or all of the following items: somatic exercises, breathing, movement, sound, placement of attention and intention, scar tissue remediation, body mapping, genital mapping, anal mapping, erotic touch and / or training aware. of own pleasure.
During body work, you may have as much or little clothing that you are comfortable in.
The sessions are aligned to the learning objectives defined in the first session and to the rhythm of practice and integration of the person.
During the sessions, you will be asked to provide regular verbal feedback on the internal experience.
Since memories and emotions can be stored in the body, strong emotions may be evoked during and after sessions.
Much of the work is done by the student at home with the recommended exercises during the sessions. She can always contact me if she has questions about homework.
Sex education is not psychotherapy or medical treatment.
It is the responsibility of the student to declare in the admission sent before the first session all the medical conditions that she knows and update Julia about any changes in her health during the period of the session.
Julia remains dressed during the sessions. When there is touch, it will always be from Julia to the client. She will never be romantically or sexually involved with a client.
During the sessions, the appropriate hygienic protocols dictated by the ASCB (Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers) are used, including gloves for all internal touches (genital / anal).
Any erotic touch will only be given with the consent of the student and for her benefit, education and pleasure. It is the responsibility of the student / guide Julia's touch to ensure that it is always beneficial, educational, and enjoyable for the recipient.
When in line with the agreed learning objective for the session and in accordance with the statements above. There may be an internal touch, including anal and / or vaginal digital penetration, understanding that she will be in consent and always with the possibility of changing her mind at any time.
Drugs and alcohol are not compatible with somatic sex education. Avoid consuming them before the session.
Cancellation policy: up to 48 hours before the consultation without charge, less than 48 hours the student must pay 100% of the session to be canceled. Emergencies are exceptions.
All information from the sessions is confidential and will only be shared with the consent of the client, if he / she wants to work together with other therapists or doctors.